Marduk y Paula

Home | Who's MARDUK? | Favorite Links | Contact Me | Photo Album (Friens and love) | Listening Activities | Video Activities


Hello there!! this is Marduk (Armando Ibarra). I hope you'll enjoy my site, check the pics, my personal info, and if you want, leave me a message. We'll have fun together! Hasta luego lokos!

En este sitio conoceras un poco mas de mi, mis intereses y mis opinionen, compartiremos diferentes estilos y gustos, espero que los mios sean de tu agrado y te la pases bien. MARDUK
Paula tqm...


Marduk y Paula
Marduk y Paula

Saturday afternoon
7:00 pm
Movies: RV Robbin Williams
Sunday Afternoon
10:00 am
1:00 pm
Breakfast with Paula
Movies: Take my hand, Antonio Banderas
July 2nd
All day
Elections. Don't vote for the PEJE!!!

What's New? My birthday's coming, the next August 11th we all be celebrating, Wanna join me? just give me a call. I'll celebrate my Birthday in a Camping Zone, Beer, Music, and something else. you'd better go!

Check some other pages about myself at

11/1/01 - Added new photos MARDUK. check the music included in my site!!!

Please leave a message if you want to make an oppinion or suggestions for my site. MARDUK


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