Hello there!! this is Marduk (Armando Ibarra). I hope you'll enjoy my site, check the pics, my personal
info, and if you want, leave me a message. We'll have fun together! Hasta luego lokos!
En este sitio conoceras un poco mas de mi, mis intereses y mis opinionen, compartiremos diferentes
estilos y gustos, espero que los mios sean de tu agrado y te la pases bien. MARDUK
Paula tqm...
Marduk y Paula |
Marduk y Paula |
Movies: RV Robbin Williams
Breakfast with Paula
Movies: Take my hand, Antonio Banderas
Elections. Don't vote for the PEJE!!!
What's New? My birthday's coming, the next August 11th we all be celebrating,
Wanna join me? just give me a call. I'll celebrate my Birthday in a Camping Zone, Beer, Music, and something else. you'd better
Check some other pages about myself at
11/1/01 - Added new photos MARDUK. check the
music included in my site!!!